După câteva zile cu temperaturi neobișnuit de ridicate pentru această perioadă din an, România se confruntă cu un nou val de frig. La munte deja ninge, iar vântul puternic viscolește zăpada, vestind revenirea în forță a iernii. Specialiștii de la ANM au avertizat că procesul de răcire va continua și în următoarele zile. Conform meteorologului […]
This article reports on a sudden and significant drop in temperature across Romania, triggered by a cold front. This weather shift brings with it viscol (snow storms), lapoviță (freezing rain), and snowfall, especially in the central and northern regions.
The article highlights the stark contrast between the recent unseasonably warm weather and the sudden arrival of winter conditions.
This article reports on a sudden and significant drop in temperature across Romania, triggered by a cold front. This weather shift brings with it viscol (snow storms), lapoviță (freezing rain), and snowfall, especially in the central and northern regions. The article highlights the stark contrast between the recent unseasonably warm weather and the sudden arrival of winter conditions.